Institution categories

The following section briefly presents the key characteristics and bibliometric indicators for eleven Institution Categories, as well as the institutions that achieved the highest values. The data refers to the last 5-year period of this study 2016-2020.


Number and share of (%) publications: The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki produce the greatest number of publications in the category "Universities" with 19,962 (29.4%) and 14,527 (21.4%), respectively.

Percentage (%) of cited publications: A percentage higher than the Greek performance (77.8%) is accomplished by Harokopio University of Athens (79%), the Agricultural University of Athens (78,3%), the National Technical University of Athens (78%) and the University of Crete (77.9%).

Number and share (%) of citations:  The higher number of citations was attributed to Universities with the higher number of publications for 2016-2020 - the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The former had 226,878 citations and a share of 37.5% within the category, while the latter had 137,323 citations and a share of 22.7%.

Relative citation score: The publications of all Universities (except the University of West Attica, the Athens University of Business and Economics, the Panteion University and the Ionian University) exceed the world average. The Universities that achieve the highest relative citation impact score - with a small number of publications - come from ASPAITE, the Hellenic Open University and the Harokopion University (2.17, 1.47, 1.46 respectively).


Research Centers supervised by GSRT:

Number and share of (%) publications: The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas and the National Center of Scientific Research (NCSR) DEMOKRITOS produced the greatest number of publications (and share) in the category "Research Centers" during the 2016-2020 with 3,248 (28.8%) and 3,235 (28.7%) publications, respectively.

Percentage (%) of cited publications: A percentage higher than 77.8% (the Greek performance, in sum) is accomplished by most Research Centers. Specifically, the National Observatory of Athens (87.8%), BSRC FLEMING (86.2%), FORTH (80.2%) and HCMR (83.1%).

Number and share (%) of citations: Most citations for the 2016-2020 period are received by the publications of NCSR DEMOKRITOS and FORTH. The former had 34,976 citations and a share of 29.8% within the category, while the latter had 33,631 citations and a share of 28.6%.

Relative citation score: The Research Centers of GSRT show high impact indicators that in most cases exceed the global average. The publications of National Observatory of Athens have the highest impact with a relative citation score of 1.81, followed by the relatively few publications of BSRC FLEMING with 1.45, the publications of HCMR (1.43), the publications of NCSR DEMOKRITOS with a relative citation score of 1, 31, the publications of Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (1.28) and the publications of CERTH (1.20).


Other Public Research Institutions:

Number and share of (%) publicationsIn this category the Academy of Athens and the National Agricultural Research Foundation produce the most publications. For the period 2016-2020, the Academy of Athens has 1,438 publications which correspond to 39.6% of the publications of other public research bodies, while the National Agricultural Research Foundation has 1,151 (31.7%).

Percentage (%) of cited publications: A higher percentage than the national percentage of publications that receive citations (77.8%), achieve the publications of CRES (88.7%), HSGME(85.5%), the Institute of Engineering Seismology & Earthquake Engineering (84.9%), the Entities of the Ministry of Health  (84.4%), MAICh (83.8%), the Academy of Athens (79.8%), the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (78.4%) and BPI (78.2%).

Number and share (%) of citations: The greatest number of citations are received by the Academy of Athens and the Hellenic Agricultural Organization  in the period 2016-2020. The Academy of Athens has 20,977 references (57.6% of all references for this category of institutions) and the Hellenic Agricultural Organization 7,165 (19.7%). The rest of the agencies achieve shares lower than 10%.

Relative citation score

The relatively few publications of the Entities of the Ministry of Health agencies achieve the highest impact with a relative citation score of 2.09. The publications of HSGME (1.71), MAICh (1.70), the Academy of Athens (1.58), Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus"  (1.19), the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (1.16), BFI (1.06) and Centre of Planning and Economic Research (1.00) achieve a higher impact than the global average.


Public Health Institutions:

Number and share of (%) publications: The LAIKO General Hospital of Athens and IPPOKRATEIO General Hospital of Athens (IPPOKRATEIO ATHENS) produced the greatest number of publications (and share) in the category "Public Health Institutions" during the 2016-2020 with 1,627 (15.8%) and 1,087 (10.6%) publications, respectively.

Percentage (%) of cited publications: Percentages higher than the average national percentage of publications receiving references (77.8%) are achieved only by IPPOKRATEIO THESSALONIKI ((81.8%).

Number and share (%) of citations: Most citations for the 2016-2020 period are received by the publications of LAIKO and ALEXANDRA. The former had 17,421 citations and a share of 18,6% within the category, while the latter had 16,105 citations and a share of 17.2%.

Relative citation score: Publications by 8 Public Health Institutions exceed the world average in terms of citations. Specifically, in 2016-2020, the publications of the IPPOKRATEIO THESSALONIKI (2.49) and the ALEXANDRA hospital have the highest impact with a relative citation score of 2.00. Publications from SOTIRIA General Hospital of Athens (1.68), KORGIALENEIO (1.49), G. GENNIMATAS (1.46), G. PAPANIKOLAOU (1.34), LAIKO (1.27), EVAGGELISMOS (1.25), PAPAGEORGIOU (1.17) and A. SOFIA (1.07) also have a relevant citation score higher than the global average.


Private Health Institutions:

Number and share of (%) publications: In this category, the Hygeia Hospital and the Athens Medical Group produce the most publications. For the period 2016-2020, HYGEIA records 590 publications and a share of 15.9%, and the MEDICAL GROUP OF ATHENS 303 publications and a share of 8.2%.

Percentage (%) of cited publications: In the five-year period 2016-2020, higher percentages than the national percentage of publications that receive citations (77.8%) are achieved by the Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences (AIBS) (83.3%).

Number and share (%) of citation: The greatest number of citations receive the publications of the Hygeia Hospital and METROPOLITAN in the period 2016-2020. Hygeia Hospital with 4,894 references and a share of 13.7% in the total number of Private Health Organizations references and METROPOLITAN with 2,944 references has a share of 8.2%.

Relative citation score: 

The publications of EUROCLINIC Group (6.53), AIBS (1.77), HENRY DUNANT  (1.30), HYGEIA (1.30), METROPOLITAN (1.30) and IASO Hospital (1.06) and achieve relative citation score that exceeds the global average.